Shooting like a pro starts with learning how to think like a pro

Since 2015, Green Light Basketball has conducted shooting camps, skills clinics, and private lessons in the United States with a special focus on one of the most overlooked aspects of the game - the mindset of a supremely confident player. In 2020, we have added several online training options to expand our reach around the world. Our professional shooting instruction and mindset training programs give athletes an edge over their competition, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to take control over their mind and emotions when adversity hits and their best performance is required.  

Our Mission

Green Light Basketball is dedicated to helping players reach their full potential as athletes and people while building a strong, resilient mentality that reflects unflappable composure and supreme confidence. We encourage players around the world to aspire to be their best in basketball, as well as relentlessly pursue whatever they want in life with boldness, courage, and determination.

The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.
— Coach Vince Lombardi